Imagine if you are going to meet your best friend for a cup of tea but on the way so many hindrance meet you : you get unexpected visitor just when you are about to head out,suddenly your car breaks down, the sunshine slowly get replaced with dull clouds and out of nowhere it starts raining heavily. And the worst thing is, you didn’t carry an umbrella.

This specific day all the odds rise against you. What could go wrong, goes wrong.

And the tea meeting which was supposed to happen at 1:30pm, happens at 5:00Pm or it never happens at all.

I think some of us that’s how it feels from the minute God lays a promise in our hearts to the minute it happens.


The other day I was sharing with a friend of mine how I have been possessing a passport (a travel document) for 5 years but not once have I used it

I have this conviction in my heart that I will travel internationally for God’s glory. How? I have no idea.

I also believe I will one day own my own house. How? I have no idea.

So many promises in my heart but those two I hold dear to my heart.

Though I know what God promised He will bring it to happen, my in-between season hasn’t been pretty.

What if this all is in my head? What if it never happens?

Those are just some of the questions that have run in my head when doubt kicks in or when life gets hard. When suddenly my sunshine get replaced with gloomy ,dark clouds of life.

I am thinking about David as I write this down. It took years for David to become king even after being anointed by prophet Samuel. At a point in life i think David had His own doubt .

When He was out in the field taking care of His father’s sheep all alone, when He remained hidden and anonymous for so long, when he got looked down on by people…I believe he had his doubt.

“Maybe Samuel is an old man who has hearing problems and he really didn’t hear God speaking” – David could have thought that

But who could have blamed him????

When the promise God promised you take years and years to happen at one point doubt will knock on the door.

I wonder how your in between season looks like right now.

I wonder what is that promise God gave you that you’re still holding onto.

Maybe it’s the promise of a Godly spouse

Maybe it’s the promise to start your own business

Maybe it’s the promise of having your own baby

Maybe it’s the promise of seeing that loved one breaking free from that addiction. Or maybe like me it’s the promise to travel and own your house.

Whatever it is, I WANT YOU TO HOLD ONTO IT.

God says : I AM THE ALPHA AND OMEGA. That means you can trust Him with your in between season.

My prayers is that this blog post will be a sign to someone who has been giving up on the promises God promised them. My prayer is that this blog post will be a sign to hold on a little longer. Just a little longer.


Published by lucyblessed

faith and lifestyle blogger


  1. I think I needed this hope. As I was going to Christ chaos happened, a lot of distractions and set backs. As you have explained it, my hope is rising up. I won’t let go of Gods promises to me. My dream of becoming a writer, owning my own home, becoming a missionary, has come alive again. Dry bones live again.


  2. What I needed to strengthen my faith once I encountered this back in 2000 but I came to learn of its happening 10 years later


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